Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Happy 22nd Birthday to me!

9:53:00 PM
Yay, first time I am joyful to be a year older. Having a love hate relationship with birthdays. To start off my birthday week, I had an early birthday lunch with my bestie Nerd! She never really celebrate her birthday ever since she came and study in KL because it always fall on her exam week and since we have the same birthday month, I decided to treat her for a good early birthday meal together.

Thanks for the friendship bbdoll ❤

The celebration continues with fam bam. My eldest sister and younger brother brought me out for dinner. We went to Marmalade cafe at Bangsar. I love the environment because there are less people and the food that I ordered was good.

My huddle girls 

After dinner, we went to Plan B for cakes! Brownies and ice creams never fails

On the day of my birthday, had lunch with my homies.


Birthday #ootd

Simple birthday celebration always makes the best moments


What future will I choose to have?